Зимни празнични светлинки
Подходящото време за игра със светлинките дойде 🙂
С помощта на един стар ръчнофокусен обектив с интересен дефокус ще ви донеса малко хубаво шарено настроение.
П.П. Обективът е Meyer-Optic Gorlitz Trioplan 100 2.8.
Весели празници с повече усмивки и настроение!
I am blown away by your images from https://nonchoiliev.com/blog/2314
beside the artistic value i find the bokeh also stunning. could you please tell me what kind of lenses do you use. i have never seen such round shapes at wide open by any photo lens. maybe you are using filmlenses?
thanks and best regards
Hello Roman,
You are right, the images were taken with an old Meyer-Optik Görlitz Trioplan 100 2.8 lens for film Exacta mount. I have used it with adapter to fit my Canon 70D camera.
I like this soap-bubble bokeh, especially when I can play with the lights 🙂